If you like what we do–then please support our efforts.
We are the ONLY stories written for little kids by a 30-year trucker who won awards for his expertise and his author partner (her work appears in Wall St. Journal, Providence Journal, and a host of others.) In addition, she’s a 30-year teacher.
And we’re endorsed by the two biggest trucker groups–OOIDA and WIT.
So, if you support American truckers and they hard job they perform, support our books by buying them.
We sign as author and personalize to a specific child if you put that in the instructions.
We cannot produce the rest of our series (6 more books, each set in different geographic regions) without your support.
Why should teachers support us, too? Grandpa and the Truck books are written by a teacher, and teach geography (and a whole lot more.) We’ve included table of contents, questions, maps, trucker terms.
This fall the author will begin a series of auditory books–the stories she and her husband have created.
Help us bring to the public the very real and exciting life of the American trucker. You can do this by ordering books from this website. They make great children’s gifts and help the image of the American Trucker.