We attempt to build audience across America, and as a husband/wife trucker team, that’s not easy. But I’m encouraged…
The e-mails sent, personally, touch me. They’re from folks from all walks of life. Just this past week, we were “Liked” on Facebook, by two Canadian drivers…Why? Truckers everywhere share experiences that cross barriers and borders…
Last summer a woman wrote me about how very much she appreciated my putting a trucker’s stories to print…Her Dad was a long-haul trucker, many years ago, carrying wheat across the Plains states.
She wanted to share what her father did with her children–his grandchildren. Now, she could.
Then, there was the woman who was going to her family reunion in California (she lived in Texas.) While there, she planned on giving each of her siblings copies of the books, to give to their children. She wanted to insure their Dad’s legacy.
A woman wrote me, saying “My son is 12 and he loves the big rigs, but I can’t find anything age-appropriate for him” (our stories are for the 4-8 age group, primarily.) She asked my advice: “Did I know any books she could get?”
I suggested she might want to try our Grandpa and the Truck books for him, anyway, and if they don’t fit, she could store them and give them away as gifts for little ones, in future.
I advised this because adults seem to enjoy our books, too.
You see, Grandpa and the Truck books are unique: They’re the stories of hundreds of thousands of truckers worldwide and I know: Their families, friends and all who love the big rigs will appreciate reading tales from one who drove millions of miles for 3 decades, moving households, against often-impossible odds.
Two books covering 4 specific exciting adventures (each book has two) are already available.
Now, we ask Trucker Nation and all others to “Like Us” on Facebook and get the word out to friends, family, and business associates.
If you’re a trucker, you deliver the goods across nations (and internationally.) Isn’t it only right you should deliver a message about books that sing the praises of truckers everywhere, while teaching little ones wholesome lessons of life?
Here’s the link (https://www.facebook.com/GrandpaAndTheTruck)… Now, please go there and “Like Us” (if you appreciate what we do) and help us get our message to all.
Order our books, too, if you wish your kids and grandkids to learn what a trucker does (we’re the only ones writing these accounts)…..
Thank you and Enjoy….