Little Boy: “Grammy, tell me another ‘Grandpa and the Truck’ story.”
Yes, he loves the stories….and I love telling him about the many adventures his Papa had, as he traveled across the United States, through every state but one, delivering household goods to people who had moved, often from one state to another. (My little grandson even knows which state you can’t get to, in a big rig. Do you?)
Once, I heard his little brother who was three years old, on the living room floor, pushing his big rig toy (because truckers give those to their kids and grandkids), saying: “Breaker…breaker 1-9…Grey Wolf here (his Papa’s trucker handle). Any smokies on the superslab up ahead?”
Yep…Truckers communicate with each other on their CB’s (because cell phones only work if you know the other person’s number); they warn each other of trouble ahead, such as “smokies” (police), traffic tie-up’s, bad road and weather conditions. They also just give each other company on the long road trips.
Truckers are a brotherhood and sisterhood, relying on each other, bringing America every single product we use in our daily lives. Look around your home. Everything–and I mean EVERYTHING has been trucked in by these heroes of the highways.